Not So; Structura; Dr. Parkinson; Shhh...; Wedding Noise; Mílanó; Oxygen; The Ultimate Architects;M-PeX; Fernando Mota.

Co-released by Base Recordings & Fonoteca Municipal de Lisboa
BRFML CDX 00204 :: 2004
Photo & Design by Paulo Romão Brás
Mastered by Luís Van Seixas

1. Breakinin / Not So.
2. D-constructive / Structura.
3. Toilet is out of service / Dr. Parkinson.
4. On a nervous fringe / Shhh...
5. Funtastick / Wedding Noise.
6. Toys will be toys / Mílanó.
7. Letting go / Oxygen.
8. Nebula / The Ultimate Architects.
9. Phrimordium / M-PeX.
10. Teatro / Fernando Mota.

Catarina Sacramanto 7/10
Ano XX Nº 1028 13 de Julho de 2004

"E no entanto ela mexe-se. Sim, está viva. Falo da criatividade no geral, e na música electrónica em particular. Em Portugal, para ser ainda mais concreto. A prova é esta fantástica co-edição da
Fonoteca Municipal de Lisboa com a Base Recordings, que dá pelo nome de Fórmula Electrónica #1. O objectivo é só um: divulgar e promover a música electrónica feita no nosso país. Não se trata de um álbum, é uma compilação de 10 faixas (de 10 artistas), não se podendo portanto esperar homogeneidade ao longo de todo o registo.É, isso sim, a montra ideal para 10 artistas com tudo para dar certo. (...) Existem, nesta compilação, alguns projectos verdadeiramente interessantes e inovadores. Urge dar espaço e oportunidades aos novos talentos. O que não falta, e esta compilação é a prova, é talento. O que falta, isso sim, é coragem e vontade por parte dos media."
Pedro Granjal

"Álbum do dia... No geral todos os 10 projectos aqui representados apresentam uma grande qualidade e muita criatividade apontando como favoritos pessoais Not So, Structura, Shhh..., Structura, The Ultimate Architects, M-PeX e Fernando Mota...".
Samuel Jerónimo

"A new label surfaces from Portugal, following the pioneering example of Thisco, and collaborating with the ever receptive Fonoteca Municipal de Lisboa. "Fórmula electrónica #1" is a nice sampler of modern rhythmic electronica, featuring mostly new names - at least to my ears - like Not So, Structura, Dr. Parkinson, Shhh..., Wedding Noise, Milanó, M-PeX and Fernando Mota, plus The Ultimate Architects (see the review of their ep, from which the instrumental track featured here is taken) and Oxygen, who are probably the most well known projects here. Most tracks are good, and range from glitchy (Not So) to breakbeat (Dr. Parkinson) to Oxygen's noir electronica and Ultimate Architects' wave-ish track... with pretty much everything in between. Quite solid throughout, and a nice overview of what's happening in Portugal."
Eugenio Maggi

"Base Recordings and Fonoteca Municipal de Lisboa together release the first issue of the Formula compilation. This album features ten bands, all involved in electronica, thoug offering slightly different styles, for instance drum 'n' bass by Dr. Parkinson or a weird Japanese pop/dance track by Shhh.... Slightly more techno, but still difficult to categorize is the contribution by Wedding Noise.
The music of most bands featured on Formula electrónica can not be categorzed so easily. What these band shave in common is their pop appeal and the atmospheric, smooth elements incorporated in the music. Some tracks remind of the 80's new wave, though have enough contemporary elements. Fórmula electrónica is a nice listening experience for those into relaxed electronic pop music with a smooth approach."

"In a joint venture between the Fonoteca Municipal de Lisboa - a habitué of all things concerning the support of Portuguese electronic labels and projects - and Base Recordings, out comes “Fórmula Electrónica #1”, a compilation that serves as a presentation for ten neo-acts of the Portuguese scene.
”Fórmula Electrónica #1” is diverse, as a compilation of this kind should be, and includes a neat outlook of what's been happening in Portugal lately when it comes to electronic bits and pieces, many times stealthy to the public radar, precisely due to the inexistent promotional structures. Highlights include Not So's “Breakinin” flashy breakbeats, which dwell in great style during one small minute, Structura's hypnotic industrial musing flair, the excellent voice samples on the puzzling mix of Dr. Parkinson's tremulous “Toilet is out of service” and the carefully assembled chillout of Wedding Noise's “Funtastick”.
Oxygen's “Letting Go” is this compilation's most proficient song, with its organic operatic drum'n'bass, while Ultimate Architects (perhaps the best-known act out of the ten) deliver their synth-pop with great effect. To the end comes M-Pex's “Phrimordium”, with its insidious melodic dub, and Fernando Mota's “Teatro”, a slow jungle eerie exercise.
It would be nice to have more initiatives as this one, solely dedicated to divulge a particular music scene's niche that suffers quite a lot from inertia but, most of all, from the lack of proper editions and promotion. Base Recordings and Fonoteca Municipal de Lisboa have made it, releasing quality acts that perhaps would have remained on the shadows otherwise. Future enterprises of this kind will always be warmly welcomed, as one will have the chance to sample music from new talents, which doesn't come as an offer on that double soap pack at the supermarket."
Luís Oliveira

Tema em playlist na RADIO LIBERTAIRE 89.4 [Laurent Diouf]
WTM-Paris, 12h30 / 14h30, each Tuesday

"Édité à l'initiative de la Fonoteca Municipal de Lisboa (la Phonothèque de Lisbonne) avec l'appui logistique du label Base Recordings, ce sampler nous offre un panorama de la scène électronique du Portugal. Une mouvance qui fait jeu égal avec la tendance internationale : breakbeats savamment agencés, mélodies finement ciselées, basses veloutées et ambiances bariolées. Cette marqueterie musicale est dans la lignée des productions estampillées, par exemple, Electrolux, Arbouse Rec., Vertical Form ou Source Rec. Parmi les formations qui se démarquent de la sélection qui nous est proposée, on citera Structura , Dr. Parkinson , Shhh… et surtout The Ultimate Architects qui signe un titre ensoleillé mais plein de mélancolie ("Nebula").
Laurent Diouf
Wreck This Mess - Paris